Our staff will be in touch with you.
If you do have a complaint or suggestion, please follow the processes outlined below.
Complaint Handling Procedures
Our mission is to provide outstanding customer services. However, we understand that despite our best efforts, our customer’s expectations may not always be met.
If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the services rendered, and would like to register a complaint with us, you may submit your complaint through any of the following channels:
- Telephone: +673 222 6222
- Email: insurance@national.com.bn
- Complete the 'Customers Complaint Form' below and submit
- Submit a complaint via our 'Complaints Handling Box' which can be found at all of our branches
Once we receive your complaint, within 3 business days from the date of receipt, we will:
- Acknowledge and assign your complaint to the person responsible for investigating it
- Contact you, if further information is required for reviewing your complaint
Within 14 business days from the date of receipt, we will:
- Send an interim response that the complaint is under review, if a final response has not been sent
Within 30 business days from the date of receipt, we will:
- Provide you with a final response or,
- Provide you with a written response informing you on the reasons for the delay in the final response from our company.
- Please note that you can refer your complaint to Brunei Darussalam Central Bank (BDCB).